Adec - W and H Handpiece Topflight (898 and 896) Reconditioned with new turbine: 6 month warranty. .. $249.00
Adec - W and H TA98 LW High Speed Handpieces With Fiberoptics Reconditioned with new turbine: 6 month warranty. .. $495.00
Kavo Gentle Silence (6500, 6000, and 4500 Models) Reconditioned with new trubine: 1 year warranty. .. $795.00
Lares High Speed Handpieces with Fiberoptics (All Large and Small Heads) Reconditioned Lares High Speed Handpieces come with fiberoptics and with quick disconnect or screw i.. $199.00
Midwest Quietair Bur Tool With Fiberoptics Reconditioned with new trubine: 6 month warranty. .. $250.00
Midwest Quietair Bur Tool Without Fiberoptics Reconditioned with new trubine: 6 month warranty. .. $149.00
Midwest Quietair Pushbutton With Fiberoptics Reconditioned with new trubine: 6 month warranty. .. $295.00
Midwest Quietair Pushbutton Without Fiberoptics Reconditioned with new trubine: 6 month warranty. .. $225.00
Midwest Tradition Pushbutton - With Fiber optics Reconditioned with new turbine: 6 month warranty. .. $295.00
Midwest Tradition Pushbutton - Without Fiber Optics Reconditioned with new turbine: 6 month warranty. .. $225.00
NSK High Speed Handpiece with Fiberoptics and Quick Disconnect Reconditioned with new turbine: 6 month warranty. .. $295.00
Star 430 SW and 430 K High Speed Handpieces (No Fiberoptics) The 430 SW model has quick diconnect and the 320 K model has screw in. Reconditioned with new turbin.. $250.00